Why is The Foundry here?
In Proverbs 4, Solomon tells sons to listen to a father’s instructions and gain understanding, but increasingly today, boys are expected to grow into men without fatherly instruction. There may be many factors that can create this situation such as death, divorce, teenage pregnancy, incarceration, or even just a lack of know-how, but they all produce the same effect: helpless boys with few skills.
Boys who grow up without the guiding influence of a good father are more likely to abuse drugs, drop out of school, live in poverty, and go to prison. Essentially, un-fathered boys are likely to beget un-fathered boys, perpetuating the problem of absent fathers in today’s society.
Boys who grow up without the guiding influence of a good father are more likely to abuse drugs, drop out of school, live in poverty, and go to prison. Essentially, un-fathered boys are likely to beget un-fathered boys, perpetuating the problem of absent fathers in today’s society.