what does the foundry do?
The Foundry seeks to counter the trend of fatherless, skill-less boys with a two-prong approach. First, we teach boys the practical skills they lack. Second, boys learn these skills through the direct mentorship of Christian men who provide the counsel and encouragement each boy needs to succeed.
The first and most tangible prong of The Foundry's mission is to teach practical skills to boys. Boys 9-17 are divided into groups according to age or skill level and taught basics like the names of tools, how to safely use them, how to fix faucets, how to jump start a car and how to grill burgers.
The second prong is to guide our boys constantly in the presence of godly men. This is the real key to positive change. For many of these boys, the men they see the most are too often the worst kind. The Foundry shows boys that there are other types of men, men who are responsible and strong, men who humble themselves before the Lord and ask His forgiveness and blessings, men acting like loving fathers. Sessions at The Foundry begin with short devotionals and boys hear the Word read and explained. They are shown the purpose of what they learn and that life and labor have meaning.
The first and most tangible prong of The Foundry's mission is to teach practical skills to boys. Boys 9-17 are divided into groups according to age or skill level and taught basics like the names of tools, how to safely use them, how to fix faucets, how to jump start a car and how to grill burgers.
The second prong is to guide our boys constantly in the presence of godly men. This is the real key to positive change. For many of these boys, the men they see the most are too often the worst kind. The Foundry shows boys that there are other types of men, men who are responsible and strong, men who humble themselves before the Lord and ask His forgiveness and blessings, men acting like loving fathers. Sessions at The Foundry begin with short devotionals and boys hear the Word read and explained. They are shown the purpose of what they learn and that life and labor have meaning.